The influence of Superflat and Cubsim on The Superstroke Art Movement
The influence of Superflat and Cubism on The Superstroke Art Movement This is an example of a Superstroke painting by Conrad Bo (That is me.) Notice the expressive even violent brush work on this painting. Art Brut (Jean Du Buffet) was a definite reference while I was completing this painting. I think this one was done somewhere in 2008. This is an example of a sculpture by the Superflat Art Movement. This Takashi Murakami piece contrast in a spectucular way against the traditional Versailles castle classical ornaments. Here is an example of Picasso using the earlier influence of his Cubism roots to produce paintings of great importance. Picasso paintings in a gallery setup. Here his fantastic use of primary and pastel colors are very is very evident. Picasso at his best. A sculpture by Picasso. Very influential in the route the Superstr...