If someone says my 5 year old can paint that you are on the right track, Conrad Bo Superblur

 I was working at my gallery in Maboneng Johannesburg, and on Sundays maybe a 100 people walk up the stairs to look at the paintings. I sat right at the end of this 2nd story space and listened to what everybody have to say about the art, and some of them did not know I was the artist. This endeavor has taught me a lot about art in general and also more specifically my art. 

"That looks a lot like a Miro", "That looks like the work of Basquiat", "This painting looks exactly like a Picasso" etc etc "The art in this gallery is pretty bad", "The stuff here is vey terrible", "I like that Pointillist style painting", "The art is ok but not nearly as good as that of William Kentridge downstairs", "This art looks like the stuff I was doing when I was only beginning" and so on and so on.

Instead of discouraging me I actually found it pretty funny and insightful. It also forced me to come up with the tern "Fication" in the Superblur Art Movement, the most famous of which is "Picassofication". The reason for this was when somebody says to me that the painting looks like a Picasso, I was trying to explain that I did use Picasso as inspiration but it certainly is not a copy of any of his work and so on and so on. So after about an half an hour of explaining the gallery goer will say, "It still looks very much like a Picasso". Of course these exchanges with potential clients drove me almost insane. So after a while I just said the reason that it looks like a Picasso is because of Picassofication, and next time I will make sure it looks even more like one than it is now.

After I started using the "Fication" idea I realize that the clients found it quite refreshing and it lead to a lot of sales. 

Then after all the things I mentioned above about what people have to say about art the best and most common one is "My 5 year old could have done that painting", and my reply was simple "That is why I call those type of paintings that I do 5 year old fication"

Conrad Bo Hybridpointillism 

#5yearoldfication #picassofication


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